A dedicated group of Garfield Middle School students have created a new initiative this year. The S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violence Everywhere) group began meeting in early December and have the goal of violence prevention.
Eight students, a mixture of seventh and eighth graders, participated in six hours of training from Townhall II. This youth-led prevention program now has a calendar of meetings and monthly initiatives. The January initiative was Kindness. The group prepared a morning announcement for kindness each day and created a "kindness board" where students can leave uplifting messages for others. Future initiatives include "Say Something" in February. March's theme will be "Spring Into Action."
The participating students are : Courtney Brahler, Ethan Bittence, Jen Wade,Landen Gedeon, Cameron Edwards, Kris Carson, Rebecca Riebe, and Nora Trent. They have selected jobs and tasks to encourage, empower, educate, and engage our school towards Peace over Violence! We are proud of these students who have chosen to be leaders for this program and our school.