I would like to share a few things at the end of the first quarter of this school year.
First, I am extremely proud of what each of you have done to make the first quarter so successful. For those learning online, we put a great curriculum and many supports in place to make sure your kids are successful. I know it has been hard for parents and kids, but you are doing well and I am very proud of your efforts.
For those learning in person, we put a significant number of procedures in place to keep our students and staff safe. I am also keenly aware that each of these procedures carries a weight that we all feel. It makes both teaching and learning more difficult, but we have persevered.
Together, regardless of how you are learning, with the help of our entire staff, we have achieved a significant milestone. We have completed the first quarter successfully. Congratulations! We should all be proud to be a part of these efforts and of this community.
As we continue our planning for the second quarter, the semester break in January is the next milestone we all have our eyes on. We need to continue to be vigilant about wearing our masks properly, keeping safe distance and washing our hands.
This weekend I will be sending a survey to all families to gather some feedback on how the first quarter went. We will also gauge where families may be leaning with regards to online versus face to face learning based on your experience. The first week of December we will be asking families to make their formal declarations in Final Forms for the second half of this year.
The weather this weekend looks fantastic for this time of year. I encourage all of you to spend some time outside in the fresh air and celebrate the outstanding accomplishments you have achieved this first quarter of our school year. You should all be proud to be G-Men.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Have a great weekend, and Go G-Men!