In the spring of 2023, JAG Student Media introduced “Beyond the Bureau,” a podcast created by students Aaron Rodhe (‘24), Landen Gedeon (‘24), and Cameron Edwards (‘23). Their goal: to highlight the stories of students, faculty and staff who are not typically in the limelight, and go into more detail than the high school yearbook, “The Bureau”, can capture.
“Beyond the Bureau” is produced entirely by the students themselves, the podcast is part of JAG Student Media’s mission to give voice to the student body. From scripting and recording to editing, the media students manage each step of the production process, giving them the oportunity to work with professional-grade studio equipment, and editing software. Each episode offers a dive into life at the High School, featuring interviews with students and staff, as well as discussions on current school events. It’s a hub for engaging and meaningful conversations.
In just a year, “Beyond the Bureau” has grown substantially in popularity. Now available on major platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music, the podcast recently celebrated a major milestone—its 1000th download.
With the graduation of founding members Rodhe and Gedeon, the podcast is transitioning to new hosts, SadieMae Ewell (‘27) and Quinn Roborecki (‘27). These new voices are ready to continue the legacy and bring their unique perspectives to the podcast this fall. Additionally other students will also have the opportunity to launch their own unique shows under the “Beyond the Bureau” banner. Tune in to “Beyond the Bureau” and join us as we explore and celebrate the diverse experiences within JAG Nation.