November 14, 2017
Our school has the opportunity to win $2,500, and do its part in saving the planet! We’re participating in an energy conservation program from First Energy’s Ohio utilities, and t...
September 26, 2017
The James A. Garfield
School District core value for the month of October is Kindness. In honor of our core value our school will be
taking part in a 21 day Kindness Challenge....
September 12, 2017
Due to advancements in technology the James A. Garfield Schools have moved to a new grade book system called Progress Book. This tool has many enhanced features for parents, teac...
August 19, 2017
We are very excited to share that James A. Garfield Elementary is now a Leader in Me School! Our students will learn to lead themselves and others by utilizing The 7 Habits . To...