Twinning Winners for today's Virtual Spirit Day: Sommer Bourne (@Sommer_marie21) and Cat Sommers (@CatSommers_2) Kourtney Brahler (@kbrahler326) Septuplets - Sophia Hare, Lily Thompson, Iris Kontur, Anna Herron, Brooke Hrabak, Amara Rizzotto, Kiera Gonzales
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Good afternoon JAG Nation! The Alternative Learning Plan 2.0 has been placed online and can be found by visiting Paper packets/resources will be available for pickup tomorrow (4/8) at the front of the elementary (PK-6) and high school (7-12).
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
JAG Virtual Spirit Day #2 Have a favorite pro, college or local team? Sport your favorite team’s jersey tomorrow and post pics using #JAGJERSEY for a chance to win press box passes to a home football game!
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Congratulations to our Virtual Spirit winners for #JAGPJDAY Pizza coming your way! @SaraKittle3 (HS) Sara Kittle @AaronRodhe ( MS) Aaron Rodhe @kvansteenberg92 (EL) Hunter Vansteenberg
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Video Slideshow #2 is now ready! Enjoy the memories, and thank you to all who submitted photos! Until we meet again....
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Tomorrow starts day 1 of JAG Virtual Spirit Week: What’s better than curling up and working at home? Curling up and working from home in your pajamas! All day Monday, post your pics using #JAGPJDAY
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
PJ Day
Garrettsville YMCA is licensed to provide Critical Care Childcare. Contact‬ with questions.
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Critical Care
Has your situation changed due to Covid-19? JAG is here to help.....learn more and apply now!
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Join the JAG Virtual Spirt Week starting Monday, April 6.
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
spirit week
JAG Covid-19 Update - April 2, 2020
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Attention Students & Guardians: Two weeks have passed since we introduced the Alternative Learning Plan Activities created by our teachers. Let us know your thoughts and provide us some feedback as we begin to plan for an extension of this plan:
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Governor DeWine has ordered schools to remain closed until May 1. Our teachers will be meeting virtually this week to begin planning an extension of our Alternative Learning Activities. Thank you for your continued support and patience as we navigate this situation. #1JAG
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
JAG has two superheroes that deserve a huge, "Thank you!" Clerks Jan Dietrich and Gail Spencer worked to sort and organize the Elementary Daffin's Candy Order for pickup and prizes for our top sellers! Thank you both for your flexibility and dedication to our kids and families!
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
JAG COVID-19 Update for March 27, 2020:
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Congratulations to Jason Schaefer (‘21) on earning Eagle Scout! So proud of you young man! You’re a remarkable leader and JAG is fortunate to have you as a part of our family!
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
ACT Scores are filtering in via US Mail to our students. Today we learned that Jack Norris ('21) earned a score of 35 and Nolan Wysong ('21) earned a 34! Keep in mind a PERFECT score is 36. Congratulations gentlemen....what an accomplishment!
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Thank you for contributing to the "Picture is worth a thousand words" challenge last week! Here is the first video YOU created. May this provide you with some encouragement and hope until we can be together again! #1JAG #JAGSTRONG
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
A pic
"A picture is worth a thousand words but the memories are priceless!” if you have a picture you would like to share of a memory from this school year, please send to We are building a slideshow of what makes us G-men. Pictures can be from any school/district event. #JAGSTRONG
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
1000 words
Contact one of the following numbers to sign up for a HOT lunch, DELIVERED from the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, during the week of Mar 23-27. There is no cost! Hot meals will be delivered daily between 11am and noon. Interested in helping deliver meals? Contact 330.527.2055 Lunch requests: 330.592.1170 or 727.215.0508 or 330.842.1482
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
hot meals
Alternative Learning Activities have been posted and can be found by visiting the following link:
almost 5 years ago, JAG Schools
Alternative Learning