
Literacy Month started last Monday at JAG Elementary and a vast number of volunteers worked to transform the building into something out of a story book!

A huge thank you to Missy Cardinal, liaison from Cardinal Schools and to Jordak Elementary who donated the Charlotte’s Web decorations and books.  Mr. Fisher, our transportation and maintenance supervisor took time from his busy day to drive to Middlefield to transport all the materials.  Also, thank you to the Kenston High School art students who made the charming decorations that grace our building and  our own JAG High School art students under the direction of Libby Frato Sweeney who painted our front windows, designed rocks to “hide’ on our playground and developed a Scavenger Hunt for our halls.  We also had over twenty people, including two middle school students, Addison Truce and Maddie Vincent who stayed after school  to put up the decorations.  Finally, our always supportive PTO purchased books to ensure that JAG Elementary students in person and remote could participate.  They also  purchased materials for Charlotte’s Web STEM activities.

To the many hands that helped create such a bright spot in our schools.....THANK YOU!

Go G-Men!